Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Week of dumbasses continues...

Two days ago I reported (yeah that's right, no links, just scroll down) that a idiot out in Connecticut actually got a ticket for dunking an Oreo over the speed limit with a suspended license(OK, don't scroll down). The idiom of idiocy continues with....

I woke up at eight-fucking-thirty.

Thanks Sun.

Post script: Better news continues at the job. IM me or something.

Post post script: If you can't figure out the IM, you're a runner up for the next "Week of Dumbasses". IM me for an application.

Post post post scripture: Jesus totally rolled away the stone yesterday. Now the Catholic calendar can return to its boring ass self until Christmas.

1 comment:

Cas said...

+ 37485 kudos for the correct usage of post-script.
