Saturday, March 22, 2008

FD4: Czech Your Soul At the Offramp

Life imitating cheap franchise-horror-kinda-art?

No doubt you've already heard on Thursday a massive 116 car pileup happened over in the Czech Republic. Authorities blame the snow. What do I blame? Death. That's right, Death. With a capital D. I'd like to recount this movie that came out in 2003 featuring a premonition with what could possibly be, the most stupendous scene of twisted metal that really has yet to be topped. I never have looked at logging trucks the same way since. I'm guessing the 33 people that were injured, however not dead, will be face-to-face with ghastly consequences from seemingly harmless appliances and freak accident situations in the coming months.

Speaking of freak accidents, Steve Irwin isn't alone. A woman down in the Florida keys takes it in the face from a stingray and doesn't live to tell of the tail. Or tale. Either one. Either way, that's a freakishly ray-related accident that just sometimes happens. But the truth is, there's hundreds of ray-related accidents. Some may be happening on your television right now.

Lock your doors and kill your TV. That's why the internet was invented.

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