Tuesday, February 19, 2008


The term is nothing new.

But how the hell can the Seattle Design Commission and the Landmark Preservation Board trade in a Trans Am for a Mustang and adding to the uglification that is becoming Market Avenue? How can the LPD put up a fight to retain the right to look at a "landmark" just to have the sucker torn down and then re manufactured? How hysterical is it that by adding a Denny's to the top of a condominium is basically forcing the old Ballardians that have been going to said store for years are now forced to wait two years and have to listen to ungodly elevator music on their ascent for a Grand Slam?

Not to mention the elevators are going to be treated like the old Ballard D's toilet stalls were.

OK, that might be reaching just a little bit. But I've seen some crazy things happen over pancakes.

I feel sorry for David Hasselhoff. I really do. First his Wendy's advertisement was a total bomb, then his name becomes synonymous with shaving with a chandelier, and now the Knight Rider remake? About time ole Dave goes back to Germany. Where he can get the chance he truly deserves.

1 comment:

Cas said...

oh my god. this is ridiculous. I know a lot of people are pretty happy about this, but I think it's pretty stupid. I was really upset about the dennys closing down. I think a few tears even made their way out.

Ahh well. If this actually happens, I guess I'll have to go check it out and see how well it was done.